Why is Quality Assurance important?
A growing body of evidence demonstrates that the delivery of comprehensive, high quality ‘relationships and sex education’ (RSE) has a positive impact on the sexual health and wellbeing of young people (Kirby 2007). However RSE delivery in the UK is often fragmented, with OFSTED (2013) recently reporting that relationships and sex education required improvement in over a third of schools and reaching required improvement in around 40% of schools. Young people also often describe their RSE as poor or very poor and inconsistent. Therefore there is a clearly identified need for teachers and schools to be able to quality assure their RSE provision to raise standards and improved outcomes.
We are pleased to announce a that the RSE Hub Briefing for councilors published in 2013 but has been refreshed to reflect the most recent data,
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FPA’s Sexual Health Week is running from 11 to 18 September 2017 and this year’s theme is Talking About Pornography.
They ran a survey earlier
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TrueTube’s film Screwball! launched earlier this week and it’s got everyone very excited! It's a comedy drama for RSE lessons about Ryan and Na
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9.30am–4.30pm Friday 30 June 2017
University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2HW
Tickets: £65 full price; £35 students
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It’s time to celebrate!In case you haven't seen, Justine Greening, Secretary of State for Education, has just announced proposed legislation fo
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