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Strengthening Relationships
and Sex Education


Why is Quality Assurance important?

Why is Quality Assurance important? 

A growing body of evidence demonstrates that the delivery of comprehensive, high quality ‘relationships and sex education’ (RSE) has a positive impact on the sexual health and wellbeing of young people (Kirby 2007). However RSE delivery in the UK is often fragmented, with OFSTED (2013) recently reporting that relationships and sex education required improvement in over a third of schools and reaching required improvement in around 40% of schools. Young people also often describe their RSE as poor or very poor and inconsistent. Therefore there is a clearly identified need for teachers and schools to be able to quality assure their RSE provision to raise standards and improved outcomes. 

  • To learn more about how to quality assure your RSE provision please navigate down the side menu to find out more about the process of Quality Assurance, what Quality RSE looks like, and our Quality Review Framework.
  • To learn more about existing Quality Assurance in RSE across the UK and around the world please download our Quality Assurance Report.
  • For any assistance with Quality Assurance not answered in these pages please get in touch info@rsehub.org.uk




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